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#MyMagisMessage: Jordan Spradlin '22

Our #MyMagisMessage for the week comes from Jordan Spradlin, a junior Exercise Science and Psychology major from Pittsburgh, PA!

At which service sites / community partners have you served or been a student liaison?

I have served with St. Francis grades 5-8 Math Tutoring, YouthAbility Spinning Class, Roxboro Middle School Tutoring, Thomas Jefferson International Newcomer's Academy, and BHGH Summer in the City Internship.

If you had to state your life mission off the top of your head, in one sentence, what would it be?

I want to put a smile on as many peoples' faces as I am able.

Being now in my third year of college, the question of "what do you want to do?" and "who do you want to be?" is coming up more and more. Every time I get asked this question, I give the same answer: "Well, I should go to grad school and do something." As you can see, not a whole lot of thought goes into that answer. It is very bland, simple, and not specific or in-depth. There are so many things that I want to do, but I still haven't quite figured who I want to be.

Service at Carroll has allowed me to explore so many different areas that I have grown to be very passionate about. The Labre Project has gotten me more interested and educated on the struggles of people experiencing homelessness; YouthAbiity has reminded me how much I love working with special needs populations; and all of the tutoring programs have shown me that I really do love working with kids in multiple capacities. All of these experiences are guiding me into becoming who I am and who I want to be.

I want to be someone who does something.

While I am not 100% sure what that something is yet, service over the past couple years has shown me that I am capable of making even the smallest impact in someone's life. I want to continue making that impact and helping others do the same. I want to be someone for and with others. I want to be someone, and service is helping me grow into that someone.


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