Cuyahoga County (Cleveland)
Redlining Maps (From The Ohio State University)
Redlining maps are maps featuring financial demographic data. See redlining maps for Cleveland below.

1940 Map
1936 Map

Area Descriptions
Area descriptions are divided by “Type A-D” and “Type C” is divided East and West of the Cuyahoga River. The Type A file includes the introduction and explanation. These descriptions best correspond to the 1940 version.
What were redlining area descriptions?
"Redlining area descriptions" referred to detailed characterizations of neighborhoods marked as "hazardous" on maps created by the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) in the 1930s, often highlighting areas with large Black populations, which were considered high-risk for mortgage lending and were typically described with negative factors like dilapidated housing, high crime rates, and a declining population, effectively discouraging investment in those areas due to their racial composition; these areas were colored red on the maps, hence the term "redlining."