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Global Cleveland Summer in the City Internship by Collin Derrig '21

Hello everyone! This is CSSA Summer in the City Intern, Collin Derrig. For my internship I have been placed with Global Cleveland, an immigration and international focused non-profit whose work in the community is focused in advocacy on behalf of immigrants and immigrant friendly policies on a local and state level. We also work directly with communities to provide them with resources they need and to train community leaders in skills they can use to help members of their community navigate the immigration system and find work or places to live in and around Cleveland.

Of course our work has changed somewhat this year, as we have had to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, I have spent my summer working remotely from back home in Akron. My days consist of Zoom meetings, research, and writing. Although I am working from home, this has still been a valuable experience for me. I have honed my writing skills by working on press releases, internal documentation, and a blog post here and there. I have learned that government databases, while full of great information, are not necessarily the easiest things to navigate. Last week I was fortunate enough to escape the house for a while by canvassing for the Census in Cleveland's Ward 13. So, as a final little note, I would like to remind all of you to fill out your census and to tell your friends to do so as well! It means that there is more money flowing into our communities and better allotment of resources during tragedies like the current pandemic. Thanks for reading along and have a great day!

For more information on Global Cleveland and to find ways to get involved, please visit


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